I noticed something recently and thought it might be helpful for you too.
Have you ever heard the quote “what got you here won’t get you there” from Marshall Goldsmith?
It means that the habits, behaviors, strategies, and tools that got you to your current level of success won’t get you to your next level of success. You must evolve in order to “level up.”
This idea has become a recurring theme with some of my most successful clients.
They’ve built a strong foundation in their business and it shows in their level of success. They’ve created teams and built communities and are changing the world… but as a result of their success, they are feeling like they are tied to their business 24/7.
They’ve delegated and tried creating systems. They’ve put boundaries in place, but at the end of the day, they still feel like something has to give.
For many of them, they realize that the potential for massive growth is there, but they are almost afraid to reach that level of success because they fear that achieving it will mean giving up the small amount of freedom they have right now. They fear having that “chained to your desk” feeling that you often hear about from people still working their corporate jobs.
When they come to me there is one overwhelming sentiment that I hear over and over again…
“I just want to get my life back but I don’t want to slow down the growth my business is experiencing.”
Fortunately, that’s exactly what I do best! Helping successful and ambitious business owners (like you) to hone in on exactly what needs to happen within their business to move to that next level with greater efficiency and ease.
It starts with understanding that they need to approach things slightly differently. How differently is unique to each business, but there is always something that needs to shift.
And when that shift happens, everything changes, and things start happening very quickly.
We approach that shift in 3 steps:
1. Acknowledging what made your original business great and why. It can be easy to get frustrated with your old methods, but you built a successful business on them so don’t walk away without taking the parts that did work well for you.
2. Recognize what you have that can be transformed. There are always elements of your business that are working beautifully. They may need a little tweak here and there, but they don’t need a total overhaul. Your client onboarding process, networking, etc are made of the same essence but may need to be tweaked a bit to make them even more efficient and profitable.
3. Let go of the parts that just won’t work anymore. This can be hard to do, but it’s critical for your success. Some things that worked before are just not going to work moving forward with your new goals. Sometimes you need to just let go. Period. And that’s ok. Say thank you and move forward.
Are you ready to stop messing around with your time and get real results? If so, going at it alone is no longer an option. It’s time to reach the growth you know is possible.
It’s time to take that idea that is just swirling around in your mind and make it a reality so that you can make the changes to the world that you feel called to make.
I’d love to help.
My client, Frank, was where you are. In fact, he believed that, having worked with a coach before, he already had everything that he needed but, like so many others, what got him to that first level of success wasn’t working to get him to where he wanted to go.
Frank joined me in the Momentum Accountability Program. Here’s what he had to say about our work together:
“Nettie’s program helps you think about and restructure the things you think you have a handle on, but actually, don’t. I made the best decision in my entrepreneurial life by partnering up with Nettie and receiving the accountability I needed. She really grounds you and puts you into a state of focus that you will never know existed in your world. And… Her program isn’t just about accountability, it’s about action and truly driving home the key elements of your business that need to be put into action. Working with her on this has been a true blessing for me and I can’t thank her enough for helping me along my journey of true entrepreneurial success.”
If you are ready for success, let’s talk. No pressure. No obligation. Just a chance to see if we might be a good fit to work together to move your business forward and give you your life (and time) back in the process.
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