Tag Archives: Time Management

Goals Are for Professionals

D2A Logo

If you aren’t in business don’t bother writing goals. When I type the search term, “time management” I come up with results for professionals and for students.  The same is true for “goal setting” and when I get to “productivity” I am squarely in the realm of professionals.  But what about everyone else?  What about […]

I Failed My Resolutions

Brain Storm

I failed my 2013 New Year’s Resolutions.  Why?  Because I never even wrote them down.  I have no idea what they were!  Its hard to achieve something when you do not know what you are aiming for. Every year I (try) to set aside time to craft meaningful resolutions.  I will (usually) reflect on these 2-3 […]

The Cobbler’s Children


There is an old adage that says, ‘The Cobbler’s children have no shoes.” I often get asked a question along those lines that goes something like this, ‘So is YOUR home a sanctuary of order or is it like the cobbler’s children?’ Here is my response. It is not like the cobbler’s children nor is […]

Transition to Summer

summer sailing

The year has ended or is ending for most of us. Whether we are in school, have kids in school, or teach, this is the time of year when we are wrapping things up for another year and looking forward to the pool, picnics, vacations, and cookouts. I know there are always things I plan […]