I’m a realist. I know that most businesses cringe when the topic of creating systems comes up. And the number one reason they feel this way? Sorting out a system can feel overwhelming. And who needs more of that in their lives? (Overwhelm is kind of like your Uncle who always wants to talk politics or the houseguest who’s stayed too long – it’s something you want to say goodbye to!)
But there are some ways to make it easier to get your systems in place – to work through all of their intricacies.
My favorite way is to use LucidChart. Have you used it? I got hooked last year after watching their super silly videos. (Please take a much-needed break to watch them: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUoebdZqEHTygG_DML0kNfbjnkv-MLnwi. I can now honestly say that I understand what my middle-school-aged kiddos are saying!)
Now that you’ve had a giggle, let’s get back to business. Creating a visual representation of your systems ensures that there are no gaps in your process and enables you to delegate steps of the process to your team. (And don’t forget – delegation is a good thing! It allows you to put your efforts where they need to be!)
Within the Momentum Programs, I use LucidChart to map out Productive Profits System (the way for experts to create an additional six-figure revenue stream working only 12 hours a week for each participant.
You can see the original diagram here.
(And feel free to copy this template and edit it for yourself. Let my obsession with LucidChart help you!)
It’s been SOOOOO helpful for me when I need to visualize something, and it has lots of other great things to love, too:
- You can share and collaborate directly on the diagram in real-time
- The flow charts are smart
- There are LOTS of templates to work form and shapes to use
- It’s easy to add links and other functionality like presentations
So yeah, we’re talking about processes, but really, I just wanted to share my love for LucidChart with you.
What are your favorite tools for visualizing? Are you using LucidChart?
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