We are now well into Q4, and many of you have already started looking ahead to 2022. And, while you’re probably looking at your vision, goals, and the action steps you need to take, it’s also a time to look at your finances.
It’s so important that we know what is happening in our business when it comes to its financial health. You want to know what’s coming in and what’s going out at all times. Having a grasp on your finances can provide you peace of mind – and help you prepare for growth! (Which is what so many of you are working on!)
If you need some assistance getting your business budget ready for 2022 – take a look at You Need a Budget (YNAB). It’s a great tool, and I love their four simple rules:
1) Give every dollar a job
2) Embrace your true expenses
3) Roll with the punches
4) Age your money
YNAB is an excellent tool for your business – or your personal finances – and can really help you keep track of where your money is going!
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