“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” ― Jim Rohn
I love this quote. It is a reminder that who you hang out with impacts who you are.
Yet the research is clear – you are not an average of the five people you spend the most time with.
But what you are is influenced by those around you – and their friends, too.
As a child, your sphere of influence was probably rather limited to classmates and family members. But as an adult, you have significantly more control over who is in that sphere. You can ensure that the people around you are supportive of your goals and challenge you to be a better person.
In my day-to-day life, this idea of influence has been cropping up in two places:
1 – Selecting Friends
My kids are teens. I think we can all agree that being a teen and transitioning into adulthood is a challenging time – even in the best circumstances. As I watch my teens transition, I am observing their selection of a friend community. It is definitely an important aspect of the teen years. Conversations about their friends, friend influence, and future success are cropping up every few days.
I can’t help but see that:
- Who my kids hang out with and their friends’ families are influencing their perception of their potential, how they interact with adults and each other, the completion of school work and chores, and so much more.
And it has me questioning:
- Have you considered how you perceive success and how high or low you set your bar for success based on your peer group?
Now, you may be thinking, “Well, they’re teenagers! They’re still young, and friends will change.” And it’s true. But I can’t help but think about the friends I have maintained relationships with from my teen years – and guess what? The friendships I have that are still in my sphere of influence are similar to me – successful, high-achieving, and goal-oriented. I have relationships with people who are supportive of my goals, and I am supportive of theirs.
2 – Facilitating the CEO Network
Prior to starting The Momentum CEO Network, we already had a foundation community through the Momentum Accountability programs. But, looking to grow this community, for the last 6 months, Adalea and I have been working to cultivate a network of peer business owners/CEOs. We look for people who are open to new perspectives, who set high goals for themselves, and who have a track record of achievement through service to others.
I can’t help but see that:
- The people who attend are looking to connect with and belong to a group of other high achievers. They want the feeling that comes with being held to a high standard and to see that others do, too.
And it has me questioning:
- In your business relationships, are you looking for others that say ‘yes’ to all that you are doing or for people that inspire you and who have inspirational colleagues, too?
If it’s the latter, then the Momentum CEO Network is the place for you.
Because who we connect with matters.
And, it is essential to remember that our community influences our connections, too. Perhaps it is time to think seriously about who you spend most of your time with and THEIR connections. Are they all part of your success story?
Haven’t yet joined us for a CEO Networking Meeting? Then sign up for a session. It’s time well spent exploring big ideas – all while expanding our network.
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