Blog Series: How I Reinvented My BusinessAre you standing on the precipice?It takes a lot of energy to hold yourself there, doesn’t it?It would be so much easier, less scary, less risky to just step back from the edge.There are days when I feel like I am stepping forward into my future, fully aligned with […]
Archive by Author
The Truth About Staying Focused

The truth is, it’s impossible to focus. You may have experienced this. You have a need or desire to think deeply on a subject, but interruptions from all sides keep your focus and attention at surface level. You may also find that it takes you a long time to reach that deep focus state and […]
5 Things You Can Remove From Your Space Now

You know that feeling after a good summer rain and the fresh, crisp smells that go with it? The rain knocks the dust from the air, cools the blacktop, and drops the temperature. Streams that were low are flowing again. The world feels refreshed. The focus is not on the rain or the dust or the […]
Take Stress Out For a Walk

Thank you to Heather Waring with for agreeing to be this month’s featured blogger! Enjoy! When my head is full, when life is getting on top of me, when I feel as if the pressure cooker is going to explode, I take myself for a walk. Walking in open space and in the fresh […]
Really, I just want to know HOW to organize my stuff!

Really, I just want to know HOW to organize my stuff! Organizing is not about how much stuff you can get rid of. Truly, there were always be more to part with. There will be one more piece of paper, one more article of clothing, one more book. If you always focus on parting with […]