Tag Archives: Goal Setting


American Flag

Celebrating Independence Tomorrow is Independence Day! It’s the day that we celebrate our independence, as a country, from an oppressive government that was making it impossible for the people in America to determine the course of their lives and futures. Those people chose not to live under the dictates of a king that imposed unfair policies. Living […]

Did It Stick?


So it’s April now. How’s that New Year’s resolution working out for you? If you decided that you were going to keep the closet organized, the sink shined, or the laundry folded and put away, are the habits that you set out to create becoming part of your routine? Now is a good time to […]

March Moves In

March 2011

March is here! That transitional month between winter and spring. March is a month of action. The Earth prepares for another season of growth, and this month, as it comes “in like a lion out like a lamb” we get a taste of nature’s own order. Nature knows what is needed and what needs to […]

What’s Stopping You?

paper long

Question: If there was one thing that you could do to change your life for the better, what would it be? You may be one of those people that has the world by the tail, has it all together, and wouldn’t change a thing, but for most of us, there is something that we are […]

Transition to Summer

summer sailing

The year has ended or is ending for most of us. Whether we are in school, have kids in school, or teach, this is the time of year when we are wrapping things up for another year and looking forward to the pool, picnics, vacations, and cookouts. I know there are always things I plan […]